Transforming the World by Leveraging AI

See what we're made of

What We Believe In

We believe the advances in Artificial Intelligence and availability of elastic processing power of the cloud enables us to look at customer data from a fresh perspective to bring out actionable insights and solve previously unsolvable problems.

Who we are

BES Space is an IT and ITES company that focuses on Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics using Artificial Intelligence and The Cloud. It is primarily based in Upstate of South Carolina but subsidized in Andra Pradesh, India. We provide custom software and data solutions to large & medium enterprises and Not-for-Profit Organizations. Our services include Cloud Integration, Business Intelligence & AI, Data Lake, Robotic Process Automation, Cybersecurity, Big Data Practices, and Mobile solutions. We also run a testing facility offering professional certifications and collegiate exams.

BES Space is a promising new company, accelerating the technological competence and innovation in Andra Pradesh. We believe that its actions will help drive the Andra Pradesh state’s strategy to strengthen its position in IT and increase the number of high-paying skilled jobs.

What we do

BES Space is working on building and mature Space Anomaly Forensics & Environment Resolution (SAFER) platform that predicts potential satellite anomalies based on historic space weather data in its initial versions. In its later versions, SAFER would provide real-time anomaly predictions using real-time space weather events.

We make use of the advanced techniques and models that NOAA/SWPC/NASA/ESA and other space weather monitoring organizations develop to predict potential satellite anomalies based on space weather events.

We work with satellite operators to provide them with early warnings and alerts so they can avoid potential satellite anomalies.

Meet the Founder

Hi, my name is Srikanth Kodeboyina, Entrepreneur, Lieutenant, and Father of Blue Eye Soft Corp. I am from South India, from a humble background with a vision to innovate in Healthcare and space studies.

Meet the Director

Mr. Kumar completed bachelor’s degree in computer science, and certified as CHEP in Excellence in Admission, Excellence in Leadership and Excellence in Campus Operations, Certified Data science Essentials and Kumar is currently the Director of BES Space Pvt Ltd, Responsible on Solving Complex Business Problems And company operations. His company works on Space Sustainability and aims to maintain the safety and health of the space Environment. Similar to Sustainability initiatives on Earth, seeks to use the environment of space to meet the current needs of society without compromising the needs of Future generations.

Our Services

Artificial Intelligence Models

Artificial Intelligence Models

Blue Eye Soft specializes in applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, both Machine Learning (ML) as well as Deep Learning (DL) algorithms to fuse and analyse massive amounts of data, text and imagery.

Predictive Data Analytics

Predictive Data Analytics

Blue Eye Soft has extensive experience in data analysis and predictive analytics. Extensive experience involving dashboarding and deep analytics using latest technologies.

IT Consulting & Management

IT Consulting & Management

Blue Eye Soft also engages with customers on providing advanced IT consulting and project management requirements.

Clients say

“Entrepreneurial enterprises like Blue Eye Soft are putting Greenville on the map for cutting-edge I.T. companies and the jobs that come with it. This expansion is a testament to Greenville’s stellar technology workforce and competitive business climate, particularly for information technology companies. Greenville is grateful for Blue Eye Soft’s continued commitment to this community.”


“We are thrilled to welcome Blue Eye Soft to the Greer community. Our partnership with the Greenville Area Development Corporation and the Upstate Alliance has proven critical in attracting the attention of blue chip office projects like Blue Eye Soft. We hope that their success in Greer leads to even more opportunities to bring balance to our growing economy.”


"Blue Eye Soft consultant are very technically competent and possess excellent technical knowledge.


"A terrific win for the Upstate, today, we congratulate Blue Eye Soft on their expansion in Greenville County. This announcement proves that South Carolina is an ideal location for businesses to thrive and grow.